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As human beings we have a propensity to either believe or not believe in things we cannot see or touch, however, it would be naive to think that we have the answer to all of the bizarre occurrences that happen in the world on a daily basis.
I read an article in the Express regarding a couple who was on a romantic walk when they believe they spot the ghost of an old man and his dog. Now I understand that there are those who would believe that this couple either need their heads examine or they should be sent straight to the looney farm. But, how can we be sure that they are not reporting exactly what they saw?
I was 16 years old when I had my first encounter with an apparition and today 36 years on there is no one that will convince me that I did not witness what I saw and this had a profound impact on my life where I will never judge or criticise anyone for what they believe that they have witnessed, whether it is ghost or UFO or anything that cannot be explained. We need to remember that because something does not happen to you does not mean these occurrences are untrue.
There are millions of ghost stories that happened around the world and told by people with stellar reputation and some are even captured on camera, so I would think that as a species we have evolved in that we can accept that we are not alone in this world and there are going to be circumstances or situation that has no logical explanation.
I have included the link to the story from the Express and I trust that you will make up your own mind as to whether this couple is telling the truth or not, personally, I believe them.