Prayer For Strength When Trials And Tribulations Visit

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Trials and tribulations are visiting us now and some more so than others. It sometimes feels unbearable, especially when you believe you are, pushed to the limit.

My people the living God is right beside you now, and he is going through every one of the problems that the adversary inflict on you. We must turn to the Creator and pray without ceasing.

The bible tell us in John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Here is a prayer that we will use to overcome trials and tribulations. Mighty God and Everlasting Father trials and tribulations have visited me, and I am laying them in your hands and at your feet. I know that you are God the Creator of all things and you shall break every chain and destroy every bondage that the Devil put in my path.

My God I called upon you now in this troubled times, release me from the grip of the evil one, O Lord, hear my cry pouring out from a troubled heart. You are my protector, my friend in my times of desperate need. Father, I ask for your forgiveness of my sins, faults, failings and sorrows. Let me trust in your mighty power, lighten my burdens and help me to pick up the cross even when trials and tribulation are upon me, in Jesus name I pray Amen.