Religion Should not be about Government legislation


A while back I watched a television debate in Florida that was, centred on the rights of practising religion and was astonished at some of the comments.

Religion, in my opinion, is about individual choice and should never be about government creating any legislation to force anyone into worshipping any deity.  Irrespective of our religious beliefs we have a right to choose the spiritual path in which we decide to follow.

Religious belief is a personal thing. Therefore, it is essential that we do not force the government to create legislation to determine which religious denomination should take precedence over another if government were to decide that they are going to sanction the Catholic religion over all the other religious belief that would not only be, seen as bias but the state interfering in how we worship.

I believe that government has a responsibility to ensure that every individual is given the protection to worship regardless of their beliefs and no one should be, persecuted for who and what they worship.

Whether we believe that the Muslim religious beliefs are counterproductive and breed terrorism, it is up to the government to ensure that if terrorism stems from a religious belief, then it is dealt with effectively, it is not the religion that is being, targeted but the proponents that turn their ideas into anti-social activities.

What the government should be interested in creating legislation to deal with is any aspect of religious beliefs that become fanatical in their undertakings in that they are willing to cause chaos and mayhem to put their views across.  When religious beliefs turned into a violent confrontation, then we expect the government to play a significant role in controlling these fanatics.