Reviewer Back Internet Spying Power

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Following a review of the Bulk interception powers legislation, by David Anderson, the government reviewer, he seems to agree that the photodune-14602859-spy-xssecurity service should be allowed to collect the data from e-mails.

He believes that if MI6, GCHQ, and MI5 are going to combat terrorist and terrorism effectively, it is necessary for them to be able to gather this information. Apparently, there is no other viable alternative in using the powers.

It is naive to believe that in this climate where individuals or groups are determined to destroy a democratic way of life we can tie the hands of the security service.  In my opinion, I believe that the vast majority of people would support the measures the security service is taking.  We can no longer think that we have privacy, which when flying through the window when terrorist began blowing up hundreds of innocent people

Of course, there are always going to be concerned that there is the possibility of abuse when any organisation is allowed to use certain security powers, but we have to weigh up the consequences.

For more information on the report and comments go to