Donald Trump, Should Stay Away From The UK


US President in hot water with British Prime Minister

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The majority of UK citizens always welcome the US President to the UK, we seem to believe that there is a special relationship that the UK andPolitician US as and therefore, we feel honour bound to roll out the red carpet.

This time we do not want to roll out the red carpet, we would prefer that Donald Trump stays in the United States, he’s not welcome in the United Kingdom as demonstrate by the majority of people who have marched protesting the idiotic and stupid executive order he signed against the Muslim people.

There is an expectation that the individual that is in charge of one of the biggest democracy on the planet, his someone with dignity, integrity and the ability to unite people in a common goal.  Not some twit that does not know what it takes to make an effective decision, without isolation an entire community, not a racist, bigot, and above all someone with the intelligence of someone who just emerges out of a cave into the sunshine.

I am not suggesting that our Prime Minister is much better but at least she has the intellect not to open her mouth and isolate entire community, or give the terrorist the ability to brainwashed young impressionable people against western society.

In my opinion, Donald Trump as set back the war on terrorism by 10 years, with a stroke of his stupidity.  So for those reasons, I would like him to stay out of my country, we do not want the likes of him in the UK and if he decided to visit the reception he will receive will be demonstrations, something that no other US President was ever subjected to.