God never leaves or forsake you. He his with you always.

My Opinion

Almighty God, hear and answer my prayers. Thank you for being with me, beside me, behind and in front of me always. Thank you for giving me answers to my questions and the courage to stand up to the adversary while praising your holy name.

Father, you have told me to pray without ceasing or complaining, and I am following your instruction knowing that you never go back on your promises. I trust you to take care of all my needs, to be there for me in my times of trouble and tribulation. Eternal Father, I know that your love for us was so great that you send your son to die for us so that we could be redeemed and get a second chance at your kingdom.

Lord, if it looks like I am faltering let me rest on your promise never to forsake me. As David cried out to you so am I.
Deuteronomy 31:8 New Life Version (NLV) The Lord is the One Who goes before you. He will be with you. He will be faithful to you and will not leave you alone. Do not be afraid or troubled.” Give me the strength I need to remain steadfast in my beliefs that you will answer my prayers and all will be well with my soul, my finance, and my undivided love for humanity.

I pray that you will give all your children the means to get their connection with you right to be able to trust in your grace, forgiveness, love and protection. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and my Redeemer. Amen