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I know there are people in the world that are morally sick, but there is a time when you come upon an article in the news that makes you physically ill, incapable of wrapping your head around the story.
Now, according to a newspaper article an Oklahoma mother has been arrested and charged with incest. Â This sorry excuse for a mother first marries her son in 2008, and the boy filed for an annulment 15 days later he cited, incest, as the reason for the divorce.
Then not satisfying with that she turned to her 25-year-old daughter which she marries this year. Â What I cannot comprehend is how come the authority in Oklahoma did not pick up on the fact that this person had married her son. Â I would have imagined a divorce, citing incest would be a big clue.
Every day I try to find something that is positive about the world we live in and most time I can do so, but there is a section of the community, whether it is in the UK or other parts of the world, gives me concerns.
I just do not understand why a mother would want to have any sexual relationship with their child; it is so revolting it makes me want to vomit. It’s hard to understand where would one begin to harbour those types of feelings. Â
Mothers are supposed to protect their children with their life if necessary, not create that kind of emotional roller coaster for them. Â I am livid, and I hope she his prosecuted to the full extend of the legal system and my wish would be to see her in prison for the rest of her life.