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According to a media report, a 26-year-old man is on trial, at the Old Bailey, for sexually assaulting a woman after a champagne and cocaine party at the office he works.
Now people, before I am called uncaring I would like to state categorically that a woman has a right to say no, and have her wishes respect. No man has the right to violate a female because of his carnal desire irrespective of whether they are a couple married or in any relationship.
However, a woman had a responsibility to ensure their safety and to go out and consumed a significant amount of alcohol and took any drugs; you diminish your capacity to make a valid decision, and to add to the mix not having the resources to get home safe is idiotic and downright stupid.
The report suggests that after consuming champagne and cocaine the women in question, not having money to take a taxi home decide to sleep under one of the office desks, she awoke to find the man sexually assaulting her and apparently he only stop when she began to cry.
I am not condoning what he did to her, but I believe as a female we must make better decisions. If one decide that they are going to go out and drink yourselves stupid, then at the very least, make arrangement to ensure that you are not left vulnerable and in situations where advantage, can be taken of you.
Equally, men who capitalize on a female that his in a drunken stupor is a sorry excuse for a human being. They should act as protector and not the aggressor, but then again alcohol and cocaine use will take away the ability to make the right decisions.