Mighty God, I am before you once against, and you have given me the words that I need to help your children overcome any health issue that they are currently facing.
The Book of James 5:15 – And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him upwards; and if he has committed sins, they shall be, forgiven him.
Eternal Father, in your precious name and under the blood of Jesus. I am placing everyone who is having a health issue into your hands. You have given me the power to bind and destroy cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, heart diseases, headaches, high or low blood pressure and all other health problems. These ailments that are afflicting your children are bind and cast out of their bodies in your mighty Name.
Mighty God today your sick children will receive a miracle in their lives. I pray that every one of you reading this prayer will lift your hand to God and tell him that you believe that whatever the health problems that you are going through he is going fix it and you cure happening right now.
Heavenly Father, today we cast down all ailments that the Devil put on your people. Today we see the signs of your wonder. Lift your people, plant their feet on the king’s highway enter their life and remove any barriers that are causing the problem.
There is no other God, but you and you are the only one, that holds life and death in your mighty hands. Sanctify and bless your people pour down your mountain of blessing upon their souls and give them the peace they need in these troubled times.