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I believe that the law governing knife crime is too soft and because of that the individuals that are carrying and using knives are not concerned are afraid of the punishment if convicted.
Again the another young person died from a knife related incident; a 20-year-old man stabbed in a London Park following a disagreement. According to the news, this individual was assaulted in an area busy with children and families.  This incident highlights the fact in my opinion that the perpetrators of knife crimes are callous, uncaring thugs.
Four months detention and training order 16 – 17 that is convicted more than once of being in possession of a knife is ludicrous. Â The government needs to step in and made the law reflect that society will no longer tolerate the deaths of young lives by stabbing.
How many more young lives do we have to lose before the authority decide that enough is enough? Â Can we continue to watch as stabbing deaths decimate families?
According to statistics between 2005 and 2015, 138 young people died due to stabbing and 32 were shot; The knife crime was four times more so how can we not call this an epidemic.Â
I also believe these individuals should be named and shamed, why should they hide behind anonymity, our community should know the character of individuals that are living amongst us and in our community.