Mighty God, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over all young people, especially teenagers. Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds against harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognise the truth.
Eternal Father, thank You for giving our young people the power and authority over the devil and every evil and demonic spirit; and with that authority, You bind Satan, every principality, and every sense of weakness from hurting or harming these young people who belong to You, by the power of the name of Jesus Christ.
No weapon formed against our teenagers and young people shall prosper. Mighty God, give them the ability to cast their cares and worries upon You, and You will sustain them. I threw my concerns upon your shoulders. I am confident your word, shall maintain and keep safe all of your people as you told us you are faithful to keep us from all evil.
Mighty God, I trust in You to watch over my community, neighbours, friends and loved ones, I thank You for allowing Your peace to rest upon me and my concerns. Thank You for taking care of our young people and praise You for victory in Christ Jesus.
Everlasting Father, help our young people to focus on the power of Your Spirit to think on what is true, whatever is honourable, what is right, whatever is pure, let them be their brother’s keeper. Let them love each other, care and comfort one another and bound the Devil from putting them in harm’s way. In Jesus name Amen