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America, are you telling me that you could not find any other person in huge Republican supporter to nominate as the Presidential candidate.
When Donald Trump put himself forward as a candidate, in my opinion, most people believe he was only joking no way could he be serious to want to become the President of the United States of America.  But here we are witnessing him given the nomination.
Politics have gone bonkers, totally out of this world. Â Why would anyone want to give Donald Trump a shot at the White House, what has he accomplished? Â We know that he is wealthy, privileged background and that he believes all Muslims are a potential terrorist and want to ban foreign Muslim from entering the US.Â
As far as I am concerned the person who becomes the President of one of the most armed countries in the world must be someone with the capability of uniting other nations. They have the ability to negotiate for a better world.  Not someone with bigoted ideologies.
I am praying that the American people are not that naive to seriously elect that individual as President otherwise they could get more than what they expected.  It is stupid for a politician to believe they can stop illegal immigrants or severely curtail the number of people going into the country and any politician that promise this should not be believed. Â
For an individual to be a good or even a great leader they have to have an understanding of society globally. Â The people who I see putting themselves up to be leaders in the UK or the US Â do not, in my opinion, have a clue about the fundamentals that make for a thriving people and the environment.
All I can say is God help us if the American people decide to give this individual the keys to the White House.Â