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I know that some people do not like the idea of individuals that are either gays, lesbian, or transgender, it is a fact that will not change, not in this century.
Irrespective of your views against this group no one has a right to cause them any harm or damage to their person. Â Minority groups are never fully accepted in society and herein lies the problem.
It would be hypocritical of me to pretend that I support a particular lifestyle, but I would never orchestrate violence again anyone that society deemed as different. Â When you discriminate against one group, then you will do so against all.
We have no rights to be judge jury and executioners to what we perceive is incorrect living that is not a choice we have. Â Â
According to a media report, a jury in Atlanta, United States, sentenced a man to 40 years in prison for pouring hot water over a gay couple because he did not approve of their lifestyle.
Convicted on ten counts, not only did he commit a criminal offence but broke into the home of the couple. Â It is not like they were throwing their lifestyle in his face they were asleep in their home. Â Quite frankly, he deserves the 40 years he was given, and he should spend the entire sentence in prison.Â