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The attendees at the Leeds and Creamfields Festival have died following allege drug takings; they are a 17 and 26-year-old males. Apparently, the 17-year-old collapsed on taking the drugs the 26 suffered breathing difficulties and die later.Â
What I cannot understand you attend a festival to enjoy yourself most likely never taken drugs and then the first time you experiment you lose your life.  Young people need to know that drugs killed.  I am not sure if we are not getting the message across effectively, and if not we have to do more.
Too many young people are dying from illegal drugs and it is not getting through to them there is no safe way to take illegal drugs. Â You have no idea what these drug dealers mix these pills with and why would you want to gamble with your life. Â I may pay off for some people, but many young people risked their life and lost.
The devastation to both families cannot be measured; first, a child lose their father, and parents lost their 17-year-old child. Â I would have thought that we were pushing the message that drugs kill and that, especially young people was getting that message, but obviously they are not.
These unfortunate incidents should make anyone who is taking drugs or thinking about it stop and think; that could be me the next time I take drugs or try it.  What made me so furious is knowing that the big drug dealers are not themselves drugs takers, yet they continue to push their products on young people, glamourise drug taking and destroying our youth.