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Has this world and its inhabitants, gone crazy?  I cannot believe the story that I read in the papers, but here it is, and it will certainly astound you.
According to the media report, a 25-year old woman was glassed in the face because she dares to smile at a 20-year old woman she thought she knew.
Apparently, the 25-year old when to the pub for an after work drink, she saw the 20-year old and smiled at her.  What she got was a wine glass slammed in her face, which needed 25 stitches, was left with horrible injuries.
To add insults to injury the 20-year old reasons for the attack, she believes the 25-year old looked at her in a sarcastic way, what utter bull.  You do not cause that kind of injuries to another human being simply because you think they smile at you sarcastically.
The 20-year old jailed for 18 months.  But most people will ask the question why, there as to be more to that attack than we do know about and if there isn’t then this is a very sick individual and 18 months is not, in my opinion, near enough punishment.  She should have been, sentenced to 5 years.
I have linked the original report, be warned there are Graphic Images