Oh, mighty God, I pray that we understand the words of Romans 1:18 to 32, heed your warnings to us about ungodliness and what happens if we fail to heed your teachings. Lord forsake us not because we are weak and thou art strong.
Father forgive us of our sins and bring us back into your fold. We thank you for the mercies that you have shown us, praise your holy name, bow down before you in humbleness and ask for your protection against all adversaries, in Jesus Name.
Romans 1:18-32
18 We see the anger of God coming down from heaven against all the sins of men. These sinful men keep the truth from being known. 19 Men know about God. He has made it plain to them.
20 Men cannot say they do not know about God. From the beginning of the world, men could see what God is like through the things He has made. This shows His power that lasts forever. It shows that He is God.
21 They did know God, but they did not honour Him as God. They were not thankful to Him and thought only of foolish things. Their foolish minds became dark.
22 They said that they were wise, but they showed how foolish they were. 23 They gave honour to false gods that looked like people who can die and to birds and animals and snakes. This honour belongs to God Who can never die.
24 So God let them follow the desires of their sinful hearts. They did sinful things among themselves with their bodies. 25 They traded the truth of God for a lie. They worshipped and cared for what God made instead of worshipping the God Who made it. He is the One Who is to receive honour and thanks forever. Let it be so.
26 Because of this, God let them follow their sinful desires which lead to shame. Women used their bodies in ways God had not planned. 27 In the same way, men left the right use of women’s bodies. They did sex sins with other men. They received for themselves the punishment that was coming to them for their sin.
28 Because they would not keep God in their thoughts anymore, He gave them up. Their minds were sinful, and they wanted only to do things they should not do. 29 They are full of everything that is sinful and wants things that belong to others. They hate people and are jealous. They kill other people. They fight and lie. They do not like other people and talk against them.
30 They talk about people, and they hate God. They are filled with pride and tell of all the good they do. They think of new ways to sin. They do not obey their parents. 31 They are not able to understand. They do not do what they say they will do. They have no love and no loving-pity. 32 They know God has said that all who do such things should die. But they keep on doing these things and are happy when others do them also.