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It was reported, in the media that three Muslim sisters on their way to Naples where taken off an EayJet Plane at Stansted airport and questioned by armed police for over an hour, following a complaint by passengers of ISIS connection.
People have a right to practice whatever religion they choose and by wearing a headscarf which symbolises that these three individuals, 24, 21, and 19-year-old sisters maybe Muslim was no reason to treat them like suspected terrorists.
Profiling has become part of our everyday life and although I can understand how these young ladies feel they have to know the people are afraid and each time they see anyone who they believe associated with Muslim, whether rightly or wrongly they react in mostly negative manner.
Unfortunately, I agree with one of the sisters who stated that the kind of profiling they undergo should not take place. But they must understand when you are dealing with people who have no compunction in committing suicide and take as many people with them; that makes people jittery.
The Black community understands what it is like to be a minority; having lived with racism all of our life, and although we know that the majority of what we experienced is down to ignorance of others we still have to face that discrimination.
It is unfortunate that these sisters had to suffer the indignation, discrimination, of being questioned they must understand that it is fundamental aspects of their religions that cause them to be, put through the resentment they suffer.