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Come on people what is happening to our society, when did adult reach a stage where they cannot differentiate what is right and what is wrong, and especially those in authority.
According to a press report, an Ealing Metropolitan Police Officer jailed for four years for having sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl, who he knew was a rape victim. Apparently, he met the child on dating app Tinder and exchanged many sexual oriented messages.
The media report goes on to say that the police office knew the girl was underage, he was aware that she was vulnerable, but that did not prevent him having sexual intercourse with her.
This whole sordid affair is disgraceful; here we have a serving police officer who swears to protect and serve and yet the very person that needed protection he violates in the most abominable way.
In my opinion, four years is not enough, and such a paltry sentence may just make others do the same thing. Society looked to police officers to always make the right decision because the nature of their jobs gives them authority over the lives of other people. Of course, they are still human beings and susceptible to all the fragility, however, once you decide to choose the police service as a career, you are held to a higher standard.
What if that child mother did not read her daughter’s diary and learn about the affair and report it to the authority, how much longer would he have continued his sexual relationship with this minor. It is mind-boggling to think adults who really should no better act in such a stupid way. He gained nothing apart from losing his career and will be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Stupid, idiotic, twit