Police Officer Stabbed by Gang, In Hospital.

My Opinion

UK Home Secretary says police cuts are not responsible for rising violence

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Stabbings have become the modern day plague in the UK and in particular in the Capital.  There doesn’t seem to be, in my opinion, anything thatPolice officers opposite to Big Ben in London UK. Vintage retro style. is being done to stop these persistence knife crimes.

According to a media report, a 40-year old plain clothes police officer was allegedly stabbed in the stomach by a gang on Tuesday and remain in hospital with serious injuries.

Apparently, two people a 20-year old man and a 34-year old woman were arrested and detained on suspicion of attempted murder.  There is, in my opinion, no letting up with stabbings in the Capital.  A man recently stabbed in the neck following a fight.  The daily incidents of stabbings occurring around our city and in many cases the stabbings resulted in death.

Now that police officer is seriously injured by stabbings, will the government make it difficult for these individuals to carry a knife or use them.   In my opinion, anyone that is convicted, of a knife crime should get automatic life in prison.  If we continue only to send individuals to prison for four years, we are not giving them enough incentive to stop carrying and using knives.

How many more lives, must be lost? , how many more funerals must we attend? How many more families must be ruined before society and our government say enough is just enough