Right now, you feel outraged because it seems nothing in your life is going the way it should.
The so-called festive season is upon you and although it is not a holiday that you believe in or worship still some things are needed. What are you going to do your finances are at an all-time low, and the bills must still be, paid, there is food to purchase.
Sound familiar to you, well, there are millions of people going through the same situation as you are reading this message they are thinking how do I come out from under this dark financial cloud. Let us not pretend that our financial state is not what is dragging us down.
Satan recognises that this human commodity is, needed in all aspect of your life and starving you of the resources that you need makes you so unhappy and angry because you cannot believe that God would allow these bad things to happen to you. So the Devil begins to win round one because here you are questioning the Almighty.
But step back for a moment and think God as allowed me to see another day. His grace wakes me up this morning, and he promises that he would make sure that the fowl of the air has food that means he His certainly going to find a way for me to meet all my financial needs if I trust him.
Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. You do not need to worry when you trust God. He always got your back, and he will never forsake or leave you.
Oh, God. I have been angry with you. I am sorry, God. I know you know better than me what is best, and I know you have only the best in store for me. I shall trust you. I will believe in your promises. Help me, Lord. Come alongside me and lift me as only You can. Be the shield around me and lift my head high. I give you great thanks, God, for all the beautiful things you’ve done for me and all the blessings yet to come. I praise your holy name now and forever. Amen.
Proverbs 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well-advised is wisdom. Do not let pride cause you to be angry with God; the Devil would love nothing better. Hark unto the voice of God and let Him lead you through the financial darkness that you have at this moment.