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I know that the Metropolitan Police as always have armed officers that they can deploy in a situation that is necessary and the general public do not see them as a matter of routine.
One unique feature of living in the UK is the fact that police officer in our community is unarmed, unlike places like the US, Jamaica where police officers patrol the streets with guns on their person, we do not see that in the UK – blessings.
If a law-enforcement officer gets killed in the UK, the citizens are infuriated because the criminal elements within the UK know that police officers are unarmed unless under exceptional circumstances.
So, I am very concerned that the Mayor and Police Commissioner wants to put armed police on the streets of London, in what they believe will be a deterrent for a potential terrorist. In my opinion, putting more armed police at so-called well-known landmarks is not going to deter a terrorist from committing the atrocities we know they can do. I believe prevention is better than cure, and we should put resources into detection and stopping these individuals before they can carry out any attack.
I am not naive to believe that the streets of London or any possible place is the UK is exempt from a possible attack from individuals that wants to commit chaos and mayhem, but it scares me having armed police on our streets much more. Where is the happy medium in all of this, which of the two evil is preferred?