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Anyone that as a disability in the UK, didn’t need the United Nations to tell them that the Conservative government welfare cuts violated the rights of disabled people, but the report is a welcome addition to what is already known.
According to a media report, the United Nations committee on the rights of a person with disabilities said reforms brought in under Britain’s welfare Secretary, systematically or gravely violated the rights of disabled people. Â The UN also suggested that the UK should establish a watchdog to monitor the impact of policies relating to the standard of living for disabled individuals.
Naturally, the government disagreed with the UN committee findings.  They seem to forget that their government was the one who introduced the bedroom tax, which had a profound impact on the little resources of disable people.
The Conservative government should be ashamed of themselves.  They know the UN report did not come out of thin air, it was substantiated by the eighteen independent experts that visit the UK in October 2015, basing their report on 3,000 pages of documentary evidence and 200 interviews.  The UN representatives had more than enough information to determine and criticise the government, saying that the welfare cuts and caps introduced under so-called austerity programme, violated disabilities rights.
In my opinion, when the Conservative government, especially the Prime Minister states that she wants to preside over a nation that shares wealth and opportunity.   For all, and not for the privileged few, they are only empty rhetoric designed to fool the electorate into believing they give a damn about anyone apart from the cronies that give big donations to their party funds.
I hope that the UK electorate will view with honesty the UN committee’s report and hold the Conservative government responsible at the next general election.  We should ensure that they are never in a position to treat anyone with such contempt, neither disabled or any vulnerable groups in society.