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Disability is not something that anyone would knowingly inflict upon themselves. Therefore I cannot see why a physically challenged person should feel ashamed.
If society cannot accept that, there are physically challenged people in our environment who contribute productively to the economy; it is their problem and not the person with the disability.
According to the Chair of Equality and Human Rights Commission Disability rights is seen as a badge of shame.  But why should that be?  People with a disability is not asking for special treatment they are asking to be treated equally and in the way that represent who and what they are.
In my opinion, I find it unacceptable that there always seem to be a stigma that is attached to sections of our community, and this should never be the case.
Personally, I do not believe that we should have to rely on legislation for individuals or companies to respect each other and treat everyone with integrity and provide the requirement which is fair and just in a democracy.