
If you cannot speak the Truth hold your tongue

The ninth commandment says ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour’. Exodus 20 verse 16. But although we are, given such clear instructions human beings still find it within themselves to tell lies and […]


What does the Bible says about parenting

Although parenting may be one of the hardest jobs there is, the Bible confirms that children are blessings. There are a number, of scripture that acts as the blueprint for effective parenting, and the word […]


Never doubt how much God loves you

There are times when the stress and struggles of our lives can make us question God’s commitment to us. But, during our time of tribulations, we must remember the great sacrifice that God did for […]

My Opinion

The Signs of End Times are upon us

Christians need to be aware, notice and recognise that the signs of the end times are happening right in front of our eyes. No amount of denial by the adversary is going to prevent the […]