We accept that there’s evil among and around us, and some people have the propensity to inflict such horrid things to others that defy humanity.
According to a media article, a 22 and 21-year old parents have been, jailed for eight years for horrific injuries they inflicted on a 19-day old baby. Although the infant died from pneumonia and sepsis, it was, alleged that he suffered more than one blunt impact with a mild to moderate force before he died.
These two people, in my opinion, are the worst possible type of human beings and their evil ways that they bestow upon a baby who could not defend himself should have seen them sent to prison for life.
In a situation such as this, I disagree with the justice system. These two should never be able to have children again; they should have either be made sterile or prison for life. Those parents should never have treated a child in the way that 19-day old baby was. To allow these two poor excuse for human beings to be in the position to ever procreate is a travesty to justice and an insult to children they may have once they are, released from prison.
Read the full story here: https://metro.co.uk/2018/07/25/parents-jailed-for-horrific-abuse-of-newborn-baby-found-with-broken-leg-and-bruised-penis-7759927