According to a media report, a 37-year old Met police officer sexually assaulted a woman on a train and date rate another, a court was, told.
I am nauseated with these crimes especially when police officers are involved. We hold the police to a high moral standard because of the power they are, given over, the life of ordinary citizens.
They are empowered to stop and search, charge us with serious offences, their decisions can either ruin lives or bring justice. When a police officer decides to commit criminal acts, they do so, in my opinion, because they see themselves above the law and their victims will not be, believe should they report the crime.
It is disgraceful and counterproductive when police officers are, charged with criminal offences. Apparently, in 2015, 1,600 UK police officers arrested for felonious crimes, in a five year period. The arrest was for sexual offences, fraud, child sex offences; there are currently no stats for police officer arrested in 2017.