A 58-year old Muslim orthopaedic surgeon was stabbed outside a Greater Manchester mosque as he arrived for evening prayers.
According to a media report, police or treating the attack as a hate crime. The doctor had treatment in hospital; his injuries were not life-threatening. However, when you have been, assaulted because of religious belief, you see the world differently.
The police referred to this incident as a very nasty and unprovoked attack against a much loved local man.
Two men ages 54 and 32 has been, arrested and the police stated that with the information they currently have, the arrest was, significant and they were not looking for anyone else about the attack.
Hate crimes are abhorrent, and they are, in my opinion, undertaken out of fear and lack of understanding of other people beliefs or the colour of their skin. These kinds of random acts of deplorable violence will continue until people recognise that no race or religious belief have the rights over another.
We occupy a multi-cultured world, where many different groups of people exist, and the sooner those practising racism understands we will have a humane society.