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According to a media report, one of Hollywood favourite couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is to divorce.  Apparently, it is Angelina that filed for the divorce citing irreconcilable differences.

The couple has six children between them and reports suggest that Angelina will be seeking to retain physical custody with Brad getting visitation rights.
It is a rather sad situation but nothing new, couples whether they are rich, poor or famous people divorce for one reason or another. The problem they have is because of who they are. Therefore, they are going to find it difficult to undergo this process without the prying eyes of the media and the world.
For their children sake, I hope the media will leave them alone to get through this difficult period in their lives and do so without everyone speculating as to the reason Angelina filed for the divorce.Â
Irrespective, of who you are divorce takes it toll on the family, and although the children will never suffer financially, we have to consider whether they may suffer emotionally.
In my opinion, been a divorcee, it had an enormous impact on the children emotionally, and one has to ensure that regardless of the fact that the parents may not want to be together their first consideration must be the children.
It will sadden millions of people to see the break up of the Brangelina union, but the best we can do is to leave them alone, they may be public figures, but they are also entitled to privacy especially in this difficult time of their lives. – Regretable