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According to a media report, a 49-year-old Australian woman living in Minnesota and planning her wedding was shot dead by a Minnesota police officer.
The report alleges that the woman called 911 to report a possible assault outside her home, apparently, she went outside in her pyjamas was shot by a police officer through the door of a squad car.
These are the kind of incidents that are contributory factors in why the citizens of the United Kingdom are against having our police service blanketly wearing or carrying fire arms. This shoot first and ask questions later is counterproductive and destroy too many lives, not to just an ordinary member of the public but also police officers who themselves have families.
In my opinion, here we have a 40-year-old woman looking forward to marrying possibly the man of her dreams, hoping to see her son one day getting married and giving her grandchildren and all those aspirations and dreams was cut short by the bullet of a police officer for whatever reasons and we cannot even speculate as to why he would do such a ghastly thing.
It is devasting for her family and I would assume for the officer involved and until the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), investigate the incident and as report his filed the public his left with speculation.  What we do know is that a woman lost her life in a circumstance that should never occur and as we mourn with the family we have to ask the question how long will these unnecessary gun killings continue.
The United States and other countries that have armed police officers will, in my opinion, have to live with these kinds of incidents because unfortunately when dealing with human beings there are going to be mistakes and that is compounded by the fact that as a society we believe that violence, in any circumstances can be acceptable.