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There are approximately 13 people dead, and scores of injuries, according to media reports, following the Barcelona terror incident.
It was reported that a white van mounted the pavement crashing into a crowd of people, hence the injuries and fatalities.
Where have we seen individuals using a white van to plough into unsuspecting members of the public? Of course, this happened a few months ago on London bridge, where seven people lost their lives, fortunately in the London bridge incident specially trained police killed all three men involved.
It would appear that those hell-bent on causing chaos and mayhem are more than prepared to use copycat ways to accomplish attacks on unsuspecting, innocent, members of the public.
It doesn’t matter where in the world these incidents occur. These are attacks on our humanity, and we must not condone these vile acts. We have a duty to support our authorities in ridding our towns and cities of groups and individuals that have decided to reign terror on our way of life