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Well, have I got a great topic to rant about today? You know it is almost poetic that only three days into becoming the UK Prime Minister protesters are calling for Theresa May to resign. Not that she would be of course, but isn’t democracy a wonderful thing.
Today the media report the anti-austerity protest took place in London, and the demonstrators were marching against racism, cuts, and the conservative party. How delightful to think that this government would believe that there was going to be an easy ride for them.
Mistake number one, a referendum to exit the European Union, taking over the role of Prime Minister and refusing to call a general election to obtain a mandate from the people. The conservative party in my opinion always ignores the wish of the citizens even when they said we are listening.
I have lived under three Conservative government, and Prime Ministers and under each this country go down hill very quickly. Under their regime, cuts, poverty, homelessness, inflation all seem to rise, and the people who suffer are always weak and vulnerable of society.
One of the worse Tory policy, in my opinion, is the bedroom tax, why would you want to charge someone with an extra room, bedroom tax just because, the children as grown up and leave. These people paid their rent for years before the kids leave they are now grandparents, and sometimes family members including the grandkids come to stay over and according to the government policy, they should sleep on the floor.
I am not surprised that this protest take place and in my calculations, there are going to be much more March as people began to realise how significant the changes in their lives are going to be under this government.