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I am furious with the society that believes that being fat is a crime and that fat people have no worth, and we should just crawl into a hole and hide away.
Well, listen up people I am here to tell you that we are not criminals because of our size, and we are sick and tired of what I called far from their kitchen people trying to make us feel guilty because we are plump.
Fat people are very much aware of the consequences of their weight, and we certainly do not need society always ramming down our throat that we are a drain on society. Â
They should know that we bleed, hurt, love, cry, and face the trauma of everyday living and we would appreciate it if so-called thin people stop their tirade against us. Â Many fat people in the world have achieved fame. Â There is artist, singers, actresses, mothers, and fathers. Thin people do not love their children more than fat people; they do not pay more taxes they do not have the right to belittle us because of our weight.
It is the time that prominent people stand up for the right to be fat. Â The last time I look being fat is not a criminal offense and unless you use your weight to commit a crime then we should be left alone to live with being fat.
There is such a thing as choice some people cannot help being large; some have a medical problem to being fat and the thought that society just wish us to disappear from off the planet is ridiculous.
I am calling on all fat people to tell the world that we are big, and we are proud, and you cannot guilt us to be what you want if we choose to live big, that is our right. Â So butt out of our lives and leave us alone the majority of us are quite happy with who we are, big vulturous and proud.