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The unthinkable has happened once again in the London Borough of Croydon. Another young man has died from injuries he received from being stabbed.
One would believe that celebrating Halloween would go off peacefully in the Capital, but instead, it brings the nightmare to one family that his mourning the loss of their child. Stabbing seems to become a regular part of life in the UK, and this should not be.
According to a media report, about 8.15 Monday evening the police was called to Gloucester Road, where they found four stabbing occur resulting in the death of one 20-year-old man.
There are currently no reports as to what occur that trigger the stabbing incident, but as police investigate this latest stabbing in the Capital, one can only wonder who will become the next victim.
I do not know where we go from here; the UK as been plagued with so much stabbing the time as come for the government to show concerned and decide what more they can do to address this problem, and what more can be done to stop this senseless killing of our young people.
Fear is gripping our communities, family with young adult, scared that each time they leave home, there is a possibility that they could be victims of a stabbing. Families are concern that their young people do not get into any confrontation with other because it would appear that the only way young people resolve conflict is by stabbing each other.