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I cannot understand why anyone who knows what Donald Trump is about, would be surprised by the offensive comments that he made about women.
Here, is a man that believes that is wealth allows him to be a bigot and gives him the rights to treat women disrespectful, you cannot change a pig into a lamb.
As human beings, we are not perfect, and many of us cross a line that we should not. But those that use wealth and power to subjugate others are the worst type of human there is.
The outrage demonstrates by members of the Republican party is one indication that they are as furious as the rest of the US with Trump’s disgraceful, repugnant behaviour towards females.
There is no way that anyone should be allowed to get away with lewd comments, such as those made by Trump and especially not a person who wish to be Commander and Chief of one of the biggest democracy on the planet. As the saying goes,‘a leopard never changes its spots’. Donald Trump will always be the rich idiot that he his.
Those that are calling for him to apologise to the women he offended, this will not make any difference, his apology will not be genuine and if he does apologise it is, only because he believes it may gain him a few votes.
There is no changing that person, what you see with Trump is what you will get if he ever becomes President. God forbid he is only using his wealth now what would happen if real power, were handed to him. – Please no.