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I really do not understand that there are still individuals on this planet that fail to recognise that this is the 21st Century and Black people represents all aspect of life and they are not only cleaners.
According to a media report, three Black Hackney Councillors attending an International Women’s day event at City Hall was asked by a security guard if they were cleaners. That makes me furious, but I am even more astonished that the councillors ignore the comment at first and only dealt with it later.
The report states that one of the councillors said that ‘they were taken aback’, poppycock, the way to deal with racism and the racist remarks is immediate. Â The Black community in the UK faces racism, racial slurs, racial comments on a daily basis.
I will not tolerate any kind of racism, I stomp very hard on those who bring it to me, I will not let it slide. Â I will not allow anyone who brings racial innuendoes to me get away with the notion that they have humiliated me or they won, hell no.
To say I am disappointed with the reactions from these Councillors is putting it mildly, these are individuals that should know better.  I do not want anyone to believe that cleaners are not performing a remarkable task within our environment, but clearly, the cleaners remark by the security guard was said because he thinks that Black people cannot elevate to anything else and that makes me angry.
The last time I look around me there were Black Doctors, Nurses, Politicians, Dentist, Entrepreneur, you name it the Black community is represented.
I personally believe he should be fired from his job if he cannot work in an environment that is diverse without making idiotic comments he should find another kind of employment.
See  original story at http:http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/black-hackney-councillors-attending-international-womens-day-event-asked-by-city-hall-security-guard-a3490801.html