According to a media report, a drug suspect arrested by Essex police has not been to the toilet for 24 days.
It has been, alleged that the longest time an inmate has gone without using the toilet is 23 days, this man has broken the record.
Apparently, Essex police are on what is being, called ‘#Poowatch’. The man they are watching is charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply class A drugs.
It is, believed there are items inside his bottom, which he refused to remove. Therefore, the courts have given the police a detention warrant hoping that nature will take its course and the suspect will pass out whatever items he has lodged inside is bottom.
Talking about being stubborn, he has already held out going to the toilet for 24 days. I wonder how much longer he believes he is capable of continuing before nature takes its natural course.
The police, according to the article, are now saying that they will not be issuing any further updates, and as soon as he does what he is supposed to do, they will release a statement.
I say good luck to the police to the officers on this watch; we wait with baited breath for the outcome.
Drugs are not funny, and we know the devastation they can bring, but this story made me laugh, to think someone would place an object inside, their bottom and then refuse to go the toilet to pass it out, hilarious.
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