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I have always believed that the UK electoral system is the best in the world, and we do not have a problem whereby we would be embarrassed by the way in which the proceeding of elections are undertaken.
So imagine my surprise when I read in the paper that Britain is turning a blind eye to corruptions in elections and town halls, apparently because of political correctness. How could it be possible to use political correctness to justify electoral fraud?
According to a media report, Sir Eric Pickles was asked last year by the government to consider what further changes could be made to make the electoral system more secure, hence the reason for the electoral fraud was highlighted. Â Sir Eric states that following the Tower Hamlet Court ruling it was a wake-up call for the organisation to stamp out corruption and restore public confidence. Â He also added that it was the residents that lose out from crooked politicians.Â
See the report at  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sir-eric-pickles-publishes-report-into-tackling-electoral-fraudÂ