According to a media report, a championship bodybuilder has been, jailed for 12 years for sexually abusing a 4-year old girl.
The 32-year old was, convicted at Luton Crown Court. He was, found guilty on two counts of sexually assaulting a child under 13-years old. It was, stated that he attacked the girl on numerous occasions, then threatened to murder her family if she told anyone.
I cannot understand the level of evil that would allow a 32-year old man to believe it was appropriate to abuse a child of four. It is hard to comprehend the suffering that this child went through, and she will have to live with the nightmare for years.
In my opinion, 12 years is not enough punishment for this sorry excuse for a human being. I would have sent him to prison for the rest of his miserable life. To protect children he should not be allowed to enter any other community in the future, his propensity to molest children will not go away in 12 years.
It is a travesty to children all over the UK to allow this monster out of prison 12 years from now, people like that, in my opinion, cannot wait to get out to find is next victim.