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The media report that celebrity ‘Big Brother’ contestant Christopher Biggins axed from the show for making a joke regarding the Holocaust.
Human beings tend to use their mouths before their brain catch up and in doing so, we end up saying or making inappropriate comments. In most cases, the joke is not meant to be taken seriously, but we are now in a society that is so sensitive to certain aspects of history that is a taboo to mention it even jokingly.
It is no longer politically correct to use certain phrases, comments, make reference in certain context about individual colour, religion, creed, sexual orientation. So-called celebrity has an obligation to ensure that whatever is coming out of their mouth does not offend any sections of the community, especially because millions of people respect the views of some celebrity, therefore, crucial that the message they are putting across is not harmful.
Personally, I do not believe that Christopher Biggins meant any harm by the remarks, I am sympathetic with what happen to him, and I hope the public do not judge him too harshly for making a rude joke about an event in history that most people do not want a reminder.