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Why is it so difficult for human beings to accept responsibility for their vile behaviour. The minute someone causes a catastrophe all you here is why God let this happen to us.
God did not tell Mohamed Lahouaiey Bouhlel to hire a truck and drive into the crowd at Nice killing over 80 men women and children. He either did so by himself or under the influenced of The Islamic State Group, which according to the media claimed responsibility. They are nothing more than a coward, and he was a disturbed and callous person who had no regard for the sanctity of life.
In my opinion, God never encourages those individual in Turkey to orchestrate the failed coup. They did so because power is the ultimate goal when individual tries to topple the democratically elected government.
Why not say Satan or other human beings caused him to unleash chaos and mayhem. God is not about the destruction he his about fellowship and love.
The greatest gift that God has given us is free will; we could have been made robotic but instead, he gave us the ability to choose good, or evil and that choice is what set us apart from animals.