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Today, according to the news report the Bank of England Governor warned millions of homeowners and buyers of the possibility that there could be a three per cent rise in interest rate in the coming years.
From what I gather the Governor is giving these individual a heads up and suggesting that they should put themselves in a stable financial position to cope with the extra burden that will be imposed upon them once these rises come to be.
It grieves me that politician cannot seem to display a sense of moral conduct. They can try and disguise the facts that Brexit results will not impact on the nation communities, economy, and health, but few people will believe that.
How naïve they believe that we were that any logical thinking individual does not know how our lives were going to change and not for the better, but far worse than it is at the moment. God forbid I would like to be wrong but if history teaches us anything is that if it isn’t broken do not fix it.
I commend the Governor on his comments because when it all come tumbling down he can say I did warn everyone and if you fail to put in place contingency plans to cope with your life, and if you lose the home they do not blame me.