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The head of European Olympic Committees was, arrested in Brazil following allegations that he was involved in illegal Olympic ticket sales.
Media reports suggest that the European Olympic Committees head is suspected, of having participated in a scheme to sell tickets for more than their face value.  Currently, he his just being arrested and as not yet being convicted of any criminal behaviour so we can only speculate as to why an individual is age would compromise is dignity and integrity.
There is a saying that ‘everyone’ has a price this is something that I do not believe. Â There is not enough money on this planet that would make me compromise my integrity, dignity and honesty they are worth more than all the money in this world.
If life is predicated, on the amount of money you can put your hands on, then you left yourself open to unscrupulous individuals dragging you into a very seedy world.  Millions of people will never be in positions of authority, and the few that are must live up to the responsibilities of their position.  It means setting an example that will be the cornerstone of the legacy that you leave when you die.
In my opinion, at age 71 why would anyone want to go to prison over stupidity, why would you want to abandon the comfort of your home to be put in jail if convicted of criminal behaviour that should never be – I am astonished every day as to the way in which human beings think