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I am disgusted and furious that Conrad Murray the doctor blamed for Michael Jackson’s death wrote a book and apparently publishing a supposedly explosive account of the late star life.
What it is with human beings why do we believe that we should make money off the back of others?  Michael still has family members plus his children, why should they be subjected to Conrad raving about their father.  Irrespective of what took place during his time in the Star employ he should have the integrity of keeping them confidential.
In my opinion, Conrad believes he got a raw deal following his conviction and the now this is a way of revenge. Â I do not care if he said that Michael wants him to write that so-called book, Michael is no longer here to confirm or deny. For someone who was very private, why would he want the world to know anything about his private life? Â Even death cannot prevent, many, idolising him I believe that Murray, which to destroy that image.
How can Conrad say that his book will be a gift to Michael fans and family, and it includes information that Michael wanted to marry a friend’s 12-year-old daughter?  That alone is a sicken remarks.  I am not above believing that Conrad Murray may have gotten a raw deal and from being a prominent doctor he’s now a convicted person and as he said he his living off love and handout from friends.  He his bitter because he thinks he was unjustly convicted and this is payback.
Personally, I believe that he will lose a lot of respect from people sorry that he was convicted of a crime.  Although many did not believe he should have, instead of coming out of prison with a resolve to maintain his dignity he’s going to defile it with this book, and I say shame on you