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The amount of wealth on this planet we should not have any problems preventing poverty homelessness and all the associated problems that thousands of people face on a daily basis and one begins to wonder why in the 21st century our planet is plagued with these inhumane circumstances.
I cannot understand why according to Shelter there are over 250,000 homeless, why 13.5 million people living in poverty in what is supposed to be a G7 country.  According to reports in 2014, the UK poverty rate was the 12th highest among all European nations.
What are we doing with the wealth that is generated from taxes, who and where is this money going to because it is very difficult to understand that there exists so much poverty within the country? Â According to statistic, the richest 10% of household holds 45% of all wealth whilst the poorest 50% Â holds 8.7%. Â So are we to assume that the money is going into the hands of the already wealthy?
I am appalled and cannot believe that our humanity has fallen so far in the gutter that we, as a society is content to have so many people homeless and in poverty and we are showing no signs that we care.
History has a way of catching up on us and if the government and other authorities fail to remedy this unequal system that they seem to be basking in, where the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer they will eventually pay the price for clearly ignoring what is becoming an epidemic in our towns and cities.
There are so many people on the streets begging others sleeping in doorways it is heartrending and quite frankly unbelievable that we have not learned from the past that when you do not treat people in the manner that they should be treated then you are opening up yourself to civil disobedience and that is not what so many of our forefather died in two world war to see.