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Following the gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl, the Indonesian government signed a bill which will introduce the death penalty for a violent rapist.
According to a media report, other severe laws will see child rapist castrated. Â Apparently, the longest prison term, in Indonesia, for those who commit rape against either a child or adult was 14 years.
The question is will this tough new legislation deter those with the propensity to violate others. Â Will, knowing that if you are, convicted of rape, you are either going to be put the death or castrated make a difference to these individuals?
Another method that the Indonesian government is looking at is microchip implant into the ankles of anyone convicted of paedophiles.
From a Western point of view are these measures by Indonesia extreme? In my opinion, no, someone has to step up to the plate and protect the community from these people who ruin others lives and in extreme cases murder them.
Of course, human rights organisation will believe that no individual should be, subjected to the measures proposed by Indonesia, but what about the victim?  I think, the community needs protection from these people and will make a potential rapist stop and think about their actions.