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It is getting more bizarre that some government believes the have the right to intrude in our lives from birth.
Scotland named person scheme which was dismissed by the High Court is one of such proposal that should never be allowed.
It would appear the word privacy is beginning to lose its meaning. As human beings, we should expect a degree of privacy in our life, and that should be our right even at birth. To want to name someone at a child’s birth to be responsible for them until they are eighteen is ludicrous, why would we need parents. That idea is so bizarre; parents are not like a job you cannot make them redundant.
We are the primary carer of our children and despite what anyone believes this responsibility does not stop at eighteen is for life, even though the law says that they are adults at that age. In our culture, we do not only raised our children until the age of maturity then discard them.
Where do these people come off with this draconian idea, unbelievable? They seriously need to re-think their attitude. History taught us that the majority of problems that we are experiencing all start with some brilliant idea and then turn out to be a noose around our neck.