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As a parent, I was appalled to read that a mother and her friend locked her child naked in a cupboard then both when off on a trip to the seaside.
Being of Jamaican parents, I can remember how strict parents were. Discipline manners and respect is the cornerstone for families, and this began at an early age.  During my childhood, I never remember my parents ever treat us with disrespect even when they were punishing us for whatever wrongs we committed.Â
Therefore, I cannot imagine how any parent would lock a child naked in a cupboard leave him there and go off on a trip to the seaside, but that was what a mother did to her son according to a media report. The report further states that the child endures vile and barbaric assaults.
Parents are supposed to protect their children; I am not against discipline a child but what that child suffer was intolerable.
What kind of mother would do such diabolical things to her son?  In my opinion, she should be jailed for life and never be able to have a child in her care ever. The worse part of this story is the fact that she allows her friend who is not a parent to punish her child in ways that are deplorable.Â
 I cannot help but think how many children in our society are undergoing the same treatment are even worse. For me, any mistreatment against a child makes me infuriated, especially when they are not old enough to defend themselves.  Those two sent to jail just about made my day.
Do I feel like society fails our children, of course, and I also think that in some cases the children who need our community to step in and help them rarely get it.
What I also disagree with is when these individuals commit such an atrocious crime against a child, in my opinion, they should never be given anonymity. I trust there will come a time when people like those will be named and shamed for their actions, the sooner, the better.
Although, I know that it ism impossible to stop these people from becoming parents my heart bleed for these offspring.
Let me state very clear there are my opinion and not those of the general public.