Every day I read news articles in the media that makes me realise the level of inhumane acts that humans have allowed themselves to undertake.
Both men and woman commit criminal acts. According to a media article of the 779,660 people arrested in 2016/17 in England and Wales, 119,937 were females. However, there is one difference in the sexes women menstruate on a monthly basis.
We are in the 21st Century, and the thought that women are denied sanitary products when the police arrested them, and they are, taken into custody is, in my opinion, appalling and ridiculous.
Of course, there is no excuse for committing criminal acts, and we are not justifying females committing crimes. But there is no need to take away their dignity by not providing them with sanitary towels and tampons where it is required.
I find the detailed article concerning. Apparently, the Independent Custody Visitor Association (ICVA) said they were, concerned that the evidence which suggests the needs of women on their period, are ignored, and thousands of females are, left without access to sanitary protection in custody.
According to the article, it states that currently there is no statutory guidance on how to treat women who have their period when they are, taken into custody.
No police officer should need statutory guidance to give sanitary towels or tampons to a woman on their period if they are, arrested. It is pure common sense; it does not take the ability of Einstien to figure out.