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The video circulating via media showing the offensive manner in which a Metropolitan police officer treats the occupant of a motorcar in which he stopped, his disgraceful, uncalled for and demonstrates some police officers attitude.
Having stopped the motorist, the police officer then stated shouted for the man to get out of the car and when that was not good enough he proceeded to pull out a knife and began stabbing the windscreen of the motorist car, and continue to scream at the driver.
It was one of the most disrespectful and unnecessary abuses of police powers. Â It turned out to be the driver did nothing wrong, the car was insured, MOT, and taxed and the driver was in possession of a valid drivers licence.
Police stopped the vehicle, mistaking the driver for his cousin who apparently is not allowed to drive. But despite the driver yelling that he was not his cousin, and he could prove it, the police officer continued his aggressive behaviour, and we do not pay police officers to be so blatantly offensive to a member of the community. The media further reports that the driver had exited the car but complain not only about the unnecessary damage to his vehicle but claimed that the stabbing of his windscreen by the officer send shards of glass into his eyes
The video is all over the media, and I am appalled that the officer in question has not been suspended immediately, by the Metropolitan Police.  In my opinion, that kind of incidents requires the Met to demonstrate that they will not tolerate officers been so offensive to a member of the public.
For more on this incident go to  http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/astonishing-moment-met-police-officer-smashes-through-drivers-windscreen-with-knife-in-licence-row-a3347436.html