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The current report that a service will be held at the Vatican, to be attended by thousands of people, to celebrate the canonization of Mother Teresa as a saint, will be seen to some people as long overdue.
Whether one believes that, during her time on the planet she spends her life catering for the life of many of the poorest individuals in the world or that there are miracles attributed to her will caused controversy among some.  But thousands will believe she was already a saint because of her
selflessness and work that she did.
There are always going to be those, who debunk miracles because nothing miraculous ever happens to them. Â They cannot see why an individual could be called a saint, but what makes a person a saint. Â It is because they spend their entire life putting the needs of others above their own.
Mother Teresa, was seen by many as being unselfish, putting the needs of the poorest of people above her individual’s needs.  Trying to make society focus on the fact that there are thousands, in fact, millions of destitute people around the world and they cannot turn a blind eye to the problem.
One of the problems I have with debunkers is that anything they cannot explain or come to grips with they rubbish it.  Until the millions of miraculous events that happens every day around the world can be, scientifically explained then, miracles exist whether they like it or not.
For millions of people faith is a miracle that has helped them overcome obstacles, be it medical or other circumstances, that defy logic, and that is why they are called miracles. Personally, having experienced what can be classed, like a miracle, I Â will not allow anyone to tell me that they do not exist, until it happens to you it is very hard to comprehend.
I believe Mother Teresa, deserve to be called a Saint, even if it is to recognise the efforts she makes to help those in need.